mardi 10 janvier 2012

Healthy Eating

I've been trying new cooking, experimenting different combinations between ingredients,  from recipes I knew o read before, and also,  depending on wich ingredients do I really have in my kitchen ;)
So to avoid forgetting I decide to post the nice results.

Shrimp Avocado Salad

15-20 cocktail shrimps (no skin or tail, already cooked and cold)
1 avocado
1 spoon of mayonnaise (natural)
1/2 lettuce
1 Pepper (yellow or red)
2 tomatoes
1 bunch of coriander
1 green lemon
1/2 spoon balsamic white vinegar
1 chile jalapeño
12 olives or 6 gherkins
Salt and black or grey pepper

Cut the pepper, tomatoes, coriander, lettuce and jalapeño in little peaces and mix them with the shrimps and olives (or gherkins). Mix the avocado, lemon juice, mayonnaise, vinegar, salt and pepper until you get a soft green dressing, once this is ready you can mix it with the rest of the ingredients and that's it, easy and yummi. You can eat them with salad cookies or salad nachos.

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